Thursday, December 18, 2008

Meaning of Life

I was speaking with a friend the other day. I was asked a question that people often ask themselves at about 30. Why do we do it? What is the point? We just get born, grow, go to school, finish school, get a job, get a spouse, get a house, get a family, grow old, die. Why? Why are we all supposed to follow that path?

I didn't know how to answer. Probably because we all must figure this out for ourselves. I am 43 now. Actually, I'm just past my 43 1/2 birthday! I can't say that I understand it all; but I do know that some of the discomfort and uncertainty felt at 30 has gone away. I know that time is limited (30 has just discovered this). I know that I cannot live long enough to see all my dreams come true (that, after all is why they are called dreams). I also know that the "drudgery" of the path is really only as real and oppressive as we allow it to be.

While I would be totally happy having more than I do now; I love what I have. I have my little house, my children, my family and my pets. I have friends and a challenging job (several, actually). Some days it feels like drudgery and I am caught up in the sludgery. But most of the time, at the end of the day, I feel complete. I have spent my day in worthwhile pursuits. I have spent my emotions for people I love and causes I believe in. I appreciate my big bed in my little house. I have wonderful neighbors who truly care about me and my household. I am fortunate to have a healthy extended family.

Am I missing anything? Sure. I am divorced. I hate that. It truly hurts and that hurt never completely heals. I mean, I'm OK, but dreams have been shattered and hopes have died. I live, laugh and love, but with a scar that I will carry to my grave. I was supposed to have a partner to grow old with, to face the daily challenges with, to laugh and play with, to mourn life's losses with. But though that dream has had to be abandoned; I have a wonderful life.

I have faced enemies and defeated them. I have faced enemies and tasted defeat. Most importantly, I have faced life and been given an abundance of love. And at the end of my life, it is my hope that many will mourn my passing. And I hope to leave behind a legacy of laughter and love and people who will have been glad to have known me -- maybe even a few who will say their lives were better for having known me.

Why do we do it? I can't answer for you; but I can say for me that I live my life to be linked with people I like and love.

Monday, October 20, 2008


When I was a kid, I laughed at how old people couldn't seem to remember when something happened. They always talked about time going by so quickly. I'm not laughing at them anymore. In fact, now I have the same good laugh at myself.

I remember grandparents talking about how "I remember when there were no houses here. Just farmland as far as the eye could see. Look at it now! Where are all these people coming from? OK, now when I drive down 99 I often feel those feelings even if I don't speak them yet.

As I logged on, I couldn't believe the date of my last blog. August 17???!!!! It was just a few weeks ago that I blogged, right? Where did the time go? Well, time is up for me now. Hopefully I will blog a little more timely next time!