Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I belong to BNI, Business Network International. One of our members just suffered the tragic loss of their two-year-old daughter. I have been completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and compassion from all the members of his chapter of BNI. And not only his chapter, but of other chapters as well; including total strangers. The power of everything in life is the power of people. Never underestimate the love, compassion and desire to help that exists within the hearts of others or you will miss out on the very best that life has to offer. To the Doxeys, my heartfelt sorrow and prayers for your family, little Holly touched so many lives in her short time here.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Is there power to our thoughts? I believe so. And I am not alone.

I belong to a group that meets weekly. For a while, my attitude was eroding. Each week, I felt more frustrated with someone or something in the meeting. Then, before the meeting, I began to expect to be unhappy. It began to snowball. I considered resigning from the group. Then, I decided before I gave up to come in for at least two weeks. I would be there on time, with a smile, and expect the best. I would ignore the things that were bothering me. Amazingly, there was an immediate effect of the group; there were less irritants to me and everyone and everything started working more smoothly. I know that my thoughts changed my reactions. My changed reactions changed others' behaviors.

There is a book titled "The Intention Experiment" The book is all about how science is beginning to prove that our thoughts affect our environment. The main experiment was one where volunteers throughout the world concentrated on the water systems of our planet. The volunteers were worldwide. The day before this was to occur, samples were taken from various water sources. Then, the volunteers, globally, sent their kind and healing thoughts to the waters. Water samples were taken from the same water sources a day later. The second water samples were cleaner, healthier water. If you feel skeptical about this, check out the book; the experimenters actually asked people who didn't believe in this to be controllers and verify the results.

Finally, most importantly, I cite the Bible. Philipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Spend some time today to think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. I think you will find your day just a little brighter, yourself a little more productive and positive.