Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I was thinkin about how things get complicated, confused and eventually off-course. I believe it happens when we move too far away from the basics. Think about it . . . sports always rests on the best basics. Swing the bat through the ball and follow-through; keep the ball in front of you to make the catch -- and always keep your eyes on the ball!!!! The same holds true for other sports, tennis, karate, gymnastics. There are basic concepts and moves upon which mastery is built.
School subjects rest on the basics as well. Math requires first and foremost basic understanding and facility with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Once those are mastered, you can move into algebra, geometry, etc. In order to read and write, learn to say, recognize and write your ABCs. Spell well and construct good sentences. Build sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into essays, etc. But, if you haven't mastered the basics, communicating in writing will not be effective.
Business works the same. What are the basics? If we excel at the basic level of business, we have the foundation to move forward. If we clean floors for a living, then we must never lose sight of the fact that clean floors are what we are hired to provide. by the way, I know an exceptional man who provides that service and whose personal ethics require that he never give less than his best! A truly exceptional floor cleaning business cannot be built without total attention and dedication to the basic requirement of providing clean floors.
Our relationships are the same. What are the basics? Offering ourselves in honesty to each other. Bringng the best we have to offer (and remember, that varies from day to day), and helping to bring out the best in each other. It means working to cover our friends' weaknesses by illuminating their strengths. It means encouraging their right actions while not encouraging harmful actions. It means not speaking behind one anothers' backs.
I have learned as a mother of teens that I must often come back to the basics to provide the best for my household. And those basics are: get and keep the house clean -- everyone must be involved; provide my love and encouragement to the members of my house -- there are plenty of other people waiting to take them down outside; be availabloe and be cheerful. Lots of hugs are pretty basic, too.
Take some time to consider which parts of your life are sliding off-track and consider getting back to basics!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
About Friends
I was thinking...
How far do we go for friends? Where do we draw the line? Does there even need to be a line? Would you give up something of great importance or value for a close friend? Would you sacrafice your dream to help a friend achieve theirs? Would they give up theirs for you?
What happens when that close friend doesn't go the same distance as you? Do you turn back? try to drag them? What happens when they come to expect outrageous loyalty to you but don't show the same in return?
I would suppose the answer would be different for everyone as each of us has different levels of trust and expectance in our lifes. Each of us has different levels of friendship in our lives and each of us has different levels of loyalty in our lives.
For me, my closest friends know, I will go the distance for them. Champion for them, cheer for them, be a balcony person for them. They also know I expect the same in return. I am fiercely loyal, unyielding in my support, encouragement and such. However, I don't always get along with my closest friends nor do I always agree with them. That's not what friendship is about. We're individuals, we're different. We think differently, we act differently, we speak differently. We're awesome! WE make great teams. But we're still TWO people, two individual people. I am glad they know that. I'm glad they know they can count on me (and me on them).
To all my close friend..thank you for being in my life.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Liquid Sunshine
So, I was thinkin....the other day my daughter sad all this rain makes her SS (Super Sad). Me, I like the variety in weather. That includes having the rain blowing around and the grey skies and all. But some people need an extra boost when the world looks greyer. So, how do we bring sunshine into other people's lives? What brings sunshine into my life?
My Shine-Makers:
Lori: Always with a great laugh
David: Offbeat sense of humor I sometimes forget to pay attention to
Paul: Ditto, but gives himself away with his dimples
Mimi: Loves the puppies....well, Felicity anyways
Elizabeth: Great, wry sense of humor
Catherine: Sweet, generous, humorous--never any malice afore/or after!
Mom & Dad: Ok, you gotta know sometimes those comments are hilarious
So many others who come into and out of my days, my thoughts and my heart. You bring me much joy, which brings me much sunshine. So, now I know the answer when someone says to me, "You're always so happy. How do you do it?" I can say, surround yourself with the Shine-Makers and find a good laugh.
I love all of you Shine Makers!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008
What I thunk . . .
The other day I helped a friend clean up some things that had blown over in her yard after a big storm, and as we were taking a break I noticed she had a few older local junior aid cookbooks laying around. She told me they were given to her at her wedding as gifts for the new bride. As I picked them up and looked through them I found that I knew quite a few of the contributors, many were clients of mine. Some of them are quite advanced in years now, but it was very interesting reading through the recipes they had contributed and were proud of. It made me imagine them in their homes preparing these foods for a special dinner party or for a family get together.
Later in the week I was doing some work at one of their houses and brought up that I had looked at the recipes they had contributed. Suprised, she asked me which recipes and then said she had not cooked some of those things for many years. She went back into her kitchen and returned after a while with the original recipes from her collection and then told me where they had come from and the history behind the dish. A few of them were recipes that had been passed down from her grandmother and had been in the family for years. I could tell from the look in her eyes and change in her voice that she had fond memories of those times and the recipes had brought her back to those times.
I remember the time my mom gave me a cookbook of all my favorite recipes she used to make when we were kids. She also found a book her grandmother had given her and passed copies of those on as well. The amazing thing is, whenever I make one of those meals it takes me back to when I was growing up. And if I make one of the recipes of her grandmother, it takes me back to the days we spent playing at her house in the morning and early afternoon before the big afternoon meal.
If you cook food that others enjoy, think about writing down your recipes so that you can pass them on to your kids and friends. I think recipes are a kind of legacy between families, regions, cultures. They are a link to our past, a memory of good times, and legacy to our future. And they taste good too!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I was thinking about challenges. How do we learn to take on the challenge, push through the challenge and complete the challenge? How many successes does it take to make us confident when facing new challenges? How many successes does it take to give us energy to push through the bigger challenges? Would we only be happy with big challenges or little challenges?
I like to have a variety of challenges. Like everyone, I prefer to "win" and succesfully complete my challenges. But, honestly, I've probably learned as much from unsuccesses....maybe more since I think I've had more losses than wins (ha ha). Anyway, I want to help my children and other people to be able to take on challenges, find the successes, learn from the failures and successes and go on to do greater things.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I was thinkin about the new year. 2008. I know it will be great!
So, we have twelve months. How about twelve goals?
1. Be healthier -- this is not get healthier it is BE healthier
For me, eat better, sleep better, workout. LAUGH more, LOVE more, LIVE more
2. Be richer -- How much we have is more of a state of mind than a state of bottom line. Let's face it, bottom lines change. But rich people are always rich. I have as much as I need for all that I truly want.
3. Be stronger -- Strength is internal. I believe in myself and others will also. I don't have to be perfect to be acceptable. I don't expect perfection from others, so I will give myself a break and start looking at myself in a more positive way
4. Be responsible -- I am 100% responsible for myself. Everything in my life is a result of my choices -- I bring it all on by the decisions I make. That means that I can choose to change the things that are in my life; I can get rid of things I don't like to make room for bringing in more thing I do like.
5. Adventure -- Allow myself to accept new challenges. Physical, emotional or mental.
6. Relax -- Take more time off to do what I feel like doing.
7. Organize! Get rid of what hinders and put away the rest!
8. Set more goals.
9. Celebrate myself -- acknowledge achievements.
10. Celebrate my life -- I have lots of wonderful people that I need to stop and appreciate.
11. Be grateful to God. He has allowed me life, freedom, health, wealth, laughter, love, work, play, family, friends, everything.
12. Give to someone else.
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