I was thinkin about my pets. I love them. We have had: mice, birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, and hamsters. They are always "part of the family." That's why they go to the vets, get immunizations and have special foods bought just for them. Additionally, they live in our house and are provided for their comfort.
So, I don't believe that they should be used unnecessarily for testing. I have read accounts of cosmetics being injected into rabbits' eyes; shampoos & fragrances injected under the skin and into the bloodstream. Why? Do women really put hair color and cosmetics into their bodies that way? Don't we know yet what ingredients are safe and which ones aren't? Are we not sufficiently knowledgeable to create products and test them on willing human volunteers?
And forget about what the psychologists do. Really, is it necessary to attach electrodes to monkeys, cause them pain, just to register their reaction? If the only goal is to determine that pain causes the monkeys to flinch and pull away, then let's use the psychology students to determine this!
However. If we have done all that we can to test certain drugs or treatments to determine their efficacy in treating cancers or other life-threatening diseases, then let's use animals as humanely as possible. we have untold numbers of unwanted cats and dogs in this country. Rabbits are well known for their breeding abilities. Humane treatment is an absolute must. I would be willing to see my own animal used if it meant the ability to save someone's life, stop the progression of a disease such as Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis or diabetes.
Using animals for scientific testing raises so many questions and emotions. There really are no easy, clear-cut answers.
He's so cute
I don't even think it is right if animal testing saves human lives because it presupposes that humans are more valuable than animals and that we can decide to kill other animals to save our own. This has to be wrong thinking. We can only kill ourselves as individuals to save others. The right extends to that only (i.e. to ourselves).
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