Friday, July 11, 2008


Those beautiful kids are mine. They had just finished competing in a karate tournament. See the medals? They both qualified to go to the national competition. They have both competed in past years. As I watch them, and the other competitors, I realize that this deadly sport is the art of the art. Then again, so is playing a musical instrument, painting well, writing well, almost anything that humans engage in which is beneficial and beautiful.

OK, so my son is almost 15 now and he has been in karate since he was 8. His belt should be brown or even black by now. But, we haven't pushed for promotions every time he was eligible. The reason is that we believe karate is more than simply going through the classes and through the ranks of the belts. His sister is 16 1/2 and she started a year after her brother. Likewise, with her skills, she could now be a brown, perhaps even a black belt.

Both of my children (I say with some pride) compete well against brown and black belts of their age. This picture is from this year and they had to compete with brown and black belts of their age to win the medals they wear. They have both really dedicated themselves to being in class, to paying attention, to accepting correction and to enjoying the growth that comes with pursuing art. My daughter also plays violin. It is an art that takes years and years to become proficient and many more to master. I am so proud of both of my children. I enjoy watching them as they perform their arts because they have developed skills and abilities I do not have.

Keep going for the gold, guys. You continue to become better artists in your various arts with every year. It is a privelege to say that I am your mother!

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