When I was a kid, I laughed at how old people couldn't seem to remember when something happened. They always talked about time going by so quickly. I'm not laughing at them anymore. In fact, now I have the same good laugh at myself.
I remember grandparents talking about how "I remember when there were no houses here. Just farmland as far as the eye could see. Look at it now! Where are all these people coming from? OK, now when I drive down 99 I often feel those feelings even if I don't speak them yet.
As I logged on, I couldn't believe the date of my last blog. August 17???!!!! It was just a few weeks ago that I blogged, right? Where did the time go? Well, time is up for me now. Hopefully I will blog a little more timely next time!
Hey Baby! I know where the time went....bills to make, bills to open, bills to pay, kids to take somewhere, work to go to, deliveries to make for work, quotes to get out for work, kids to pick up from and take to, time to work out with Nicky....Oh? Is that the cell phone ringing again!
It's the time warp factor. One day someone is going to get interested enough to look at how time bends and shifts as we age. When we're young and time stretches forever before us like a two lane highway through the foothills, it moves more slowly like traffic on a two lane highway through the foothills. One day we end up on the mega freeway doing 80-90-100 MPH and time is flying!
So, look out for me, I'm coming at you on the mega-highway....and I didn't get enough sleep last night (ha ha).
I was just thinking on how we forget or do one thing when we think we're doing something else. like taking chicken out of the freezer to defrost, only to see it on the counter and put it back in by mistake....
where do our minds go as we age?
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