Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I was thinkin about the new year. 2008. I know it will be great! So, we have twelve months. How about twelve goals? 1. Be healthier -- this is not get healthier it is BE healthier For me, eat better, sleep better, workout. LAUGH more, LOVE more, LIVE more 2. Be richer -- How much we have is more of a state of mind than a state of bottom line. Let's face it, bottom lines change. But rich people are always rich. I have as much as I need for all that I truly want. 3. Be stronger -- Strength is internal. I believe in myself and others will also. I don't have to be perfect to be acceptable. I don't expect perfection from others, so I will give myself a break and start looking at myself in a more positive way 4. Be responsible -- I am 100% responsible for myself. Everything in my life is a result of my choices -- I bring it all on by the decisions I make. That means that I can choose to change the things that are in my life; I can get rid of things I don't like to make room for bringing in more thing I do like. 5. Adventure -- Allow myself to accept new challenges. Physical, emotional or mental. 6. Relax -- Take more time off to do what I feel like doing. 7. Organize! Get rid of what hinders and put away the rest! 8. Set more goals. 9. Celebrate myself -- acknowledge achievements. 10. Celebrate my life -- I have lots of wonderful people that I need to stop and appreciate. 11. Be grateful to God. He has allowed me life, freedom, health, wealth, laughter, love, work, play, family, friends, everything. 12. Give to someone else.

1 comment:

DMama said...

Under that be richer...I'm wondering if the Lotto plays a part here? Ha ha.